
sliding door open
the feel of the cool evening air
the sound of the fountain below
and the sight of huge redwood trees
the light scent of lavender
thoughts of stillness and peace
the hiss of air moving through the trees
and the weight of God, My Comforter
embracing me

Parenting is Heart Work

I had the privilege of speaking at my church on Mother's Day.  Below is the video clip we shared just before my message, "Parenting is Heart Work." I hope you are encouraged and blessed.  More importantly, I hope you are challenged to love the Lord with all ... 

The Triathlete's Prayer

I want to thank everyone for all your encouragement and support as I've been training for this whole triathlon thing :)  Through it all, I've just wanted to always give God my best for His glory ... not mine.

Lord, please clear my head of all distractions,
And my heart of any burdens I may bear,
So that I may perform my very best,
Knowing you'll always be there.
Please lift me up before the moment,
So through your eyes I may see,
And have a clearer understanding,
As the race unfolds before me.
With great courage I will meet this challenge,
As You would have me to,
But keep me humble and remind me,
That my strength comes from knowing You.
Then when all eyes are upon me,
At the end of this big race,
I will turn their eyes to You O Lord,
And to the glory of Your place.