Heavy-Duty Load

I'm almost certain every one of us has some heavy duty happening in our life that changed our "normal cycle" remarkably.  The diagnosis of cancer, the death of a loved one, the end of a long-term relationship, or even the loss of a dream.  Whatever form it takes, the blow to life is heavy, as are the rippling effects that follow.  "Rippling" probably isn't a good description.  Tidal wave may be more like it.  Because once it happens, you know life just isn't going to be the same.  Or maybe you don't feel it at that moment, but later on down the road, you find yourself thinking, "When did it get this bad?" or "Will life ever get back to normal?"  Perhaps it started out as a ripple, but over the days or months or years, you suddenly feel as if a tidal wave has overcome you.

I recall the feeling of standing on the beach when a wave hits me.  Sometimes the water comes so strong and is so cold that it just takes your breath away.  We all have moments like that.  Or sometimes, others around you have moments like that, and we experience and feel the uninvited aftershocks.  Just as a drop of water has rippling effects ... so do our choices and the choices of others around us.

The heavy-duty loads are those articles of clothing that are tough - jeans for example.  Towels, blankets, or rugs ... stuff that takes a lot of work to take the filth out, either because the dirt is so worked in, or the material can just handle the extra beating. We put items through the heavy-duty cycle because it needs it, or we know it can take it. 

Regarding our lives, God doesn't throw us into heavy-duty situations, but, rather, he is there with us as we go through them.  Even though we may not think so, God knows the fabric of our being and how much we can take.  And with Him, we can take on more than we think.  What heavy-duty load are you carrying? 

Are you feeling like you've been thrown in the heavy-duty cycle?  Let's be careful not to blame God.  Instead, cling to Him ever more tightly and allow some of that deep work to be done.


I have lots on my mind today ...  for one - trying to eat this taco salad might not be such a good idea after all.  Still some post-op swelling and soreness in my mouth from my gum grafting procedure last week.

I'm thinking about a friend who's had this headache for over 4 days.  Doctors gave him a scary preliminary prognosis of a cyst, blood clot, or tumor, but they are running more tests today.  Praying for a peace that passes understanding as they await results.

I'm thinking about my daughter who'll be attending her Jr. Prom tomorrow. Where did the time go?  I'm so proud of the young woman she's become.  Hope she enjoys herself tomorrow, for it will soon be a 20-year old memory.

I'm thinking about my friend's half iron man race tomorrow and hope he kills it!  Everyone needs a cheering squad - I hope someone's there to yell his name and meet him at the finish line!

Thinking about other stuff that only God knows.  

And thinking about how all this thinking makes me wanna nap!