He Knows Me! He Really Knows Me!

I love challenging myself. So today I started a beginners swimming class at Solano Community College. The instructor for the class before mine is Scott - someone who went to my church for a bit before moving to Winters.

So I said hi to Scott who didn't recognize me at first, because of the swim cap. But when I re-introduced myself, he remembered me and asked how Andrew was doing. He asked about my cycling, complemented my new teeth, and asked where I was with all my procedures. (He and his wife - who just has a baby btw - brought me a meal after my accident 2 years ago.)

Anyway after I brought him up to speed, he asked what class I was waiting for. "Beginners swimming," I told him. "I wanna do a tri before I'm 50 :)" "You totally can" he said, "if you really want to learn." And then he went on to tell me that open water swimming is his specialty and that he coaches triathletes!

I'm excited about me and Andrew reconnecting with Scott and his wife. I'm excited at the huge resource I have in Scott ... after I learn how to swim, that is =)

So my point - God is awesome. God knows me! He really knows me! I mean I know this to be true ... but every time He reveals himself (or i should say, every time i notice Him involved) in the small details of my life, I get so tickled. It's so cool.

With all the things going on in the world, it just amazes me that God would take the time to let me know that He knows about the inconsequential desires of my heart.

I left the pool humming "He Knows My Name" by Tommy Walker:

I have a Maker
He formed my heart
Before even time began
My life was in His hands

I have a Father
He calls me His own
He'll never leave me
No matter where I go

He knows my name
He knows my every thought
He sees each tear that falls
And He hears me when I call

I Plead The 5th

25 months later, my post-accident treatment plan is complete (for now).  I'm having to put my restorative teeth phase on hold due to the poor economy.  I am blessed nonetheless :D

The estimate from my prosthodontist is around $15K, so I have made peace with this stay plate (or temporary, partial denture).  Besides, most people who don't know about my accident think these are my real choppers anyway.  AND, I don't burn the roof of my mouth when I drink hot coffee!

Last month - July 5th - was 2 years since my accident.  It's hard to believe that much time has gone by.  Most don't know about the ordeal, some have forgotten.  But for me, the date is now this strange anniversary of sorts.

Last year, I wasn't as nostalgic about it, because I was so focused on completing my cycling events.  This year is a little different.  

July 5, 2007 Crashed my bike, lost 4 teeth, and broke my jaw in 3 places
July 9, 2007 Surgery to plate my chin, jaw wired shut for 2 weeks
Numerous physical therapy, occupational therapy, orthodontic, and chiropractic appointments
June 1, 2008 America's Most Beautiful Ride, 100 miles around Lake Tahoe
July 12-13, 2008 202-mile Seattle to Portland Bicycle Classic
Jan. 7, 2009 Bone graft surgery
April 22, 2009 Tissue graft procedure
July 24, 2009 Implant procedure

Lots of things circle my heart and mind.  I am still in process ...