I went on my first "real" ride in a long time ... 30-something miles starting at The Presidio, crossing the Golden Gate Bridge, through beautiful Sausalito, into Corte Madera, and back. Gorgeous ride!
I was excited and nervous at the same time. I'd always wanted to ride my bike across the Golden Gate Bridge!
I had serious doubts about completing the whole ride, however, after the short but steep climb just to get on the bridge. After all, it had been awhile since I'd done any climbing.
The guys waited for me at the top - the entrance of the bridge, where I sucked air for a little bit. "Welcome back," Jun told me ... and I just grunted.
I told them to just go and that I'd meet them at the end of the bridge. We'd continue that pattern the rest of the day ... they'd ride ahead (fast) and just wait for me at the top of a hill or at a spot where I might have a question as to where to go. And then we'd roll again ... and they'd wait ... and then we'd roll again :)
The ride was beautiful ... but the thoughts running through my mind - not so much. And this definitely sucked some of the enjoyment of the ride for me. What as going through my mind? "These guys are 24, 28, and 36 years of age. And here I am in my 40's! What do I think I'm doing? I should probably just hang up the bike and take up golf again. Maybe I should just have Andrew pick me up in Sausalito. Just keep pedaling. Ride you're own ride; don't mind them. You'll get there - might be a little slower, but you'll still get there." AND I DID! I finished the ride.

Psalm 139:14-16 says, "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." (NIV). But it occurred to me how I often forget God's truth and can still succumb to this annoying habit of comparing my ride (my life) to someone else's and getting really discouraged. John 10:10, Jesus says, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
What annoying habits to you have that suck the joy out of you and keep you from experiencing life to the full, as Jesus intended?