I like to surf ... channel surf :) I can get somewhat engaged to totally engrossed as I flip from channel to channel.
This blog is just a clip of what's playing on mine ...

2011 Nike Women's Marathon Finisher!
After 6 hours and 12 minutes, I finally crossed the finish line of what I vowed would me my 1st and last marathon ever. Oddly enough, I started to reconsider 3 days later ... after the soreness went away :)
Breathing Space
by Judy Brown
What makes a fire burn
Is space between the logs,
a breathing space.
Too much of a good thing,
too many logs packed in too tight
can squelch a fire,
can douse the flames
almost as surly
as a pail of water can.
Sometimes the best question to ask is not "what do I need to do," but "what do I need to stop doing."
Wild Flower Finish
I realize I haven't been blogging much about my whole tri training journey. And I've recently discovered why. (I'll blog more about that later.) In the meantime, here's a video of my finish at Wild Flower - my first Olympic distance tri. (I'm about 2:20 into the video.) Enjoy!
And yes ... My name real name is Maria ... ugh.
And yes ... My name real name is Maria ... ugh.
National Chocolate Eclair Day
According to Facebook and verified by Google, today is National Chocolate Eclair Day! My immediate thought ... Pack up my desk and work virtually from Bouchon Bakery in Yountville where they serve a vast array of tasty pastries, including, but not limited to, Chocolate Eclairs. And so, with the beautiful weather taunting me ... That's just what I did =)
En route to the bakery, however, I took a detour to the site of my 2007 cycling accident. I hadn't been back since 2008 when I completed the ride that was abruptly cut short.
Exiting the freeway and making my way through the narrow and windy roads, it was as if weights were suddenly being stacked on my chest; I found it difficult to breath. But I couldn't identify what I was feeling.
I parked my minivan at the turnoff just past the portion of the road where I crashed (in the pic, it's after the bottom shadows).
I took some time to walk up the hill and back down noticing the sharpness of the turns, the steepness of the hill, and the width of the road.
I recalled the exhilarating feeling I had flying down the hill and thinking what an amazing ride it was. I remembered making that last turn and immediately knowing I was going to hit the ditch ... and closing my eyes ... and so I closed my eyes for a moment.
With my eyes still closed, standing on the side of the road, it was as if I were watching myself ride down the hill coming out of the turn. I tried to figure out why I wasn't able to stay on the road. Too fast? Too wide of a turn? Momentary loss of focus and concentration? Lost in a moment of feeling like I was flying? Probably all of the above. I had been careless.
I opened my eyes again, just staring at the spot where I landed almost 4 years ago. And I offered up a short prayer of thanksgiving to God for sparing my life that day.
En route to the bakery, however, I took a detour to the site of my 2007 cycling accident. I hadn't been back since 2008 when I completed the ride that was abruptly cut short.
Exiting the freeway and making my way through the narrow and windy roads, it was as if weights were suddenly being stacked on my chest; I found it difficult to breath. But I couldn't identify what I was feeling.
I parked my minivan at the turnoff just past the portion of the road where I crashed (in the pic, it's after the bottom shadows).
I took some time to walk up the hill and back down noticing the sharpness of the turns, the steepness of the hill, and the width of the road.
I recalled the exhilarating feeling I had flying down the hill and thinking what an amazing ride it was. I remembered making that last turn and immediately knowing I was going to hit the ditch ... and closing my eyes ... and so I closed my eyes for a moment.
With my eyes still closed, standing on the side of the road, it was as if I were watching myself ride down the hill coming out of the turn. I tried to figure out why I wasn't able to stay on the road. Too fast? Too wide of a turn? Momentary loss of focus and concentration? Lost in a moment of feeling like I was flying? Probably all of the above. I had been careless.
I opened my eyes again, just staring at the spot where I landed almost 4 years ago. And I offered up a short prayer of thanksgiving to God for sparing my life that day.
Stifle is a word that came to my mind as my head was still on my pillow the other day.
Stifle - unable to breathe properly; to interrupt or to cut off; to keep in or hold back; repress.
I can feel something pooling in my chest, and I work to not let it rise any further. I distract myself with another thought. I busy myself by getting up and doing something - anything - making a cup of coffee, folding laundry, rearranging stacks of paper. It's as if I cannot be present in the same space with whatever it is that suddenly wants to be known.
At least now I'm aware that it's there, though I haven't gotten to where I welcome its presence just yet. I have not yet allowed myself to open the door. What does come out comes out in trickles or leaks through cracks in the facade of the wall that I realize I have built. I am not yet ready for the flood. I think I fear I might drown.
Stifle - unable to breathe properly; to interrupt or to cut off; to keep in or hold back; repress.
I can feel something pooling in my chest, and I work to not let it rise any further. I distract myself with another thought. I busy myself by getting up and doing something - anything - making a cup of coffee, folding laundry, rearranging stacks of paper. It's as if I cannot be present in the same space with whatever it is that suddenly wants to be known.
At least now I'm aware that it's there, though I haven't gotten to where I welcome its presence just yet. I have not yet allowed myself to open the door. What does come out comes out in trickles or leaks through cracks in the facade of the wall that I realize I have built. I am not yet ready for the flood. I think I fear I might drown.
Thank God ~ He Is Always By My Side
Lyrics to "By Your Side"
~ Tenth Avenue North
Why are you striving these days
Why are you trying to earn grace
Why are you crying
Let me lift up your face
Just don't turn away
Why are you looking for love
Why are you still searching as if I'm not enough
To where will you go child
Tell me where will you run
To where will you run
And I'll be by your side
Wherever you fall
In the dead of night
Whenever you call
And please don't fight
These hands that are holding you
My hands are holding you
Look at these hands and my side
They swallowed the grave on that night
When I drank the world's sin
So I could carry you in
And give you life
I want to give you life
Cause I, I love you
I want you to know
That I, I love you
I'll never let you go
The Necessity of Writing
For me ...
Writing/journaling keeps me mindful to observe life and all the lessons within it. Participating in life an purposefully experiencing those lessons as they unfold inspires the content.
Writing/journaling keeps me mindful to observe life and all the lessons within it. Participating in life an purposefully experiencing those lessons as they unfold inspires the content.
sliding door open
the feel of the cool evening air
the sound of the fountain below
and the sight of huge redwood trees
the light scent of lavender
thoughts of stillness and peace
the hiss of air moving through the trees
and the weight of God, My Comforter
embracing me
Parenting is Heart Work
I had the privilege of speaking at my church on Mother's Day. Below is the video clip we shared just before my message, "Parenting is Heart Work." I hope you are encouraged and blessed. More importantly, I hope you are challenged to love the Lord with all ...

The Triathlete's Prayer
I want to thank everyone for all your encouragement and support as I've been training for this whole triathlon thing :) Through it all, I've just wanted to always give God my best for His glory ... not mine.
Lord, please clear my head of all distractions,
And my heart of any burdens I may bear,
So that I may perform my very best,
Knowing you'll always be there.
Please lift me up before the moment,
So through your eyes I may see,
And have a clearer understanding,
As the race unfolds before me.
With great courage I will meet this challenge,
As You would have me to,
But keep me humble and remind me,
That my strength comes from knowing You.
Then when all eyes are upon me,
At the end of this big race,
I will turn their eyes to You O Lord,
And to the glory of Your place.
Life-Changing Connections
I'm sad that I have not been blogging/journaling about my triathlon training experience. It's been such a learning experience ... and I love learning ... but life has also been hectic.
This past Sunday, however, I had the privilege of speaking at our church on the value of being connected to a team of people who will challenge and encourage us to live and love well. I mention some of the things I've discovered in my training process (past and present) which also apply to my daily life.
I was never involved in intramural sports growing up, so I discovered the value of TEAM a little later in life.
See if you can identify who is on your team roster!

(Below are the pictures I make reference to in my talk.)
This past Sunday, however, I had the privilege of speaking at our church on the value of being connected to a team of people who will challenge and encourage us to live and love well. I mention some of the things I've discovered in my training process (past and present) which also apply to my daily life.
I was never involved in intramural sports growing up, so I discovered the value of TEAM a little later in life.
See if you can identify who is on your team roster!

(Below are the pictures I make reference to in my talk.)
What's the Condition of My Soul?
Questions from Stirred Up Leadership that got me stirred up:
- What’s the freshest thing God has been doing in your life lately?
- How full is your emotional, physical and spiritual tanks? Empty, quarter filled, half, three quarters or full.
- What theme does God seem to be emphasizing in this season of your life?
- What are you looking for God to do in your life in the next couple of months?
- What’s God been saying to you through His Word recently?
- What passion is God stirring in your soul recently?
- What season best describes your spiritual life right now: Winter, spring summer or fall? Why?
- What’s exciting you the most in your spiritual journey these days?
Upon immediate thought, I'm not sure I have answers to many of those questions above. I will be the first to admit that I get so caught up in my day-to-day activities that I forget that there is a God who loves me and is working in and around my life. While we're busy taking care of the many things that demand our attention, let's not forget to have these "soul-care conversations" regularly.
My 2011 Race Calendar
500 meter swim / 20k bike / 5k run
Saturday, March 26, 2011
.5 mile swim / 13 mile bike / 4 mile run
==== My "A" Race ====
Sunday, May 1, 2011
.9 mile swim / 24.7 mile bike / 6.2 mile run
Beyond May ... who knows ;-)
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